Real time data means more time at the face.

Real time data means more time at the face.

Changing the Face of Mine Ventilation

Image of an MDM technician installing the Vigilante AQS underground

Advances in smart controls, sensors and IoT-enabled devices are providing new tools for miners tackling the ever-increasing challenge of ventilating their underground operations.

Ventilation systems are the largest consumers of power in underground mines, accounting for upward of 50% of energy use. Saving on energy costs and ensuring personnel receive clean air where and when they need it is now a business imperative for mine operators, who are employing a new generation of smart digital technologies to monitor and optimize ventilation systems and ensure a safe working environment.

While digital tools are relatively new to the mining industry, the key components of mine ventilation systems have not changed signifi cantly in the past 20-30 years, and their primary role remains unchanged: to remove build-up of harmful gases and contaminants from underground workings, and to provide and circulate a source of clean, breathable air to miners working deep underground.

Read more of the article in E&MJ here.


Realtime data means more time at the face
A breath of fresh air