Real time data means more time at the face.

Real time data means more time at the face.

No need to apologize. We’re a mining town.

Cover of 2020 Sudbury Vision for the Future

Future success will come from cleaner, safer technologies.

Sudbury doesn’t like to think of itself as a mining town. It brings up images of deserted wastelands. Sudbury has spent half a century fighting this impression. But the raison d'être of Sudbury fundamentally remains mining. Think mining in a much broader sense than just Glencore and Vale, stacks, headframes, ore trucks and slag.

Oh, there is no denying significant employment and value in other sectors – government, education, health care, manufacturing and construction – across the Sudbury economy, but subtract mining, and…well, do the math.

Read More on this article written by Hugh Kruzel for 2020 Sudbury - Vision for the Future publication HERE

View PDF of the article HERE.



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